Sessions With Me


Before you consider working with me…

Whether you’re an individual or a couple, there are some things you may want to know before deciding to start sessions with me so read on to find out more.

Hours of operation

I offer face to face or online appointments from Monday to Thursday between 9:30am - 5pm. This means the last appointment for the day is 4pm.

Before your first appointment

Psychologists are a little like GPs. We all have our area of specialty. To make sure that I’m a right fit for you, we’ll have a short phone chat before your first appointment where I’ll ask you to provide a brief description of what it is you’re wanting out of sessions.

What we work on

Usually when people come to see me, they want quick fix solutions or tools/strategies that can help them with their symptoms. Whilst this can certainly be useful, I’m most interested in working with individuals to do the deep work of discovering why their symptoms are there in the first place.

Think about it like this: if a patient is losing a lot of blood, sure, we can give them a transfusion to top up their blood supply. However, longer-term, we want to know why they are losing blood in the first place and deal with the problem at the root. Therapy can be like this. Often the symptoms are indicative of a deeper issue, and longer-term change usually happens when we explore, understand and heal the underlying causes.


Working together

Given I tend to work with people over several (and in some cases many) sessions, it’s important that we can work well together. Ever meet someone and immediately not like them, even though you don’t really know a lot about them? It happens, right!? And therapy is no different. So the first session is not only a chance to see whether I can help you achieve your goals, but also gives you the chance to see if you can work with me. And if not….hey, no hard feelings. I don’t take it personally…but I do appreciate you letting me know so I can help you find someone more suitable. If I don’t think I’ll be the best person for you, I’ll let you know at the end of the first session and help you find someone who will be.

After your first appointment

During your first appointment, I’ll be listening out for things that I hear which may be contributing to your challenges. At the end of our first appointment I’ll provide this feedback to you with some ideas about why you be may experiencing what you are experiencing and a potential way forward. If we do decide to work together, I’ll ask you to commit to 3 sessions initially and book them upfront to ensure that you have that time reserved for you from the beginning.

Where to from here?

Feel free to get in touch below and we can set up a time to chat briefly on the phone.


Couples Therapy


Individual Therapy